Many companies like to keep their schedules on a daily basis so that all activities start at the start of the day, finish at the end of the day and all durations are in round days. P6 does not have functions like the Elecosoft (Asta) Powerproject “Snapping” function that keeps all task to a round day, so users have to be more careful with Primavera P6.
There are two rounding errors issues:
- Firstly, how do you identify that you have rounding errors, and
- Secondly identifying what is causing rounding errors.
If you wish to learn how to identify and resolve P6 rounding errors then please read this article which is an extract from my 99 Tricks and traps for Oracle Primavera P6 Professional book by clicking on this link>>>.
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Paul E Harris
Director Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd