Creating cashflows with P6 Expenses has many advantages and some disadvantages over using resources.
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For example Expenses may:
- Have an actual cost assigned before an activity has started allowing the payment of contractor mobilisation,
- Have a remaining cost after an activity is complete to represent contract retention or a contractor back charge,
- Be negative to allow for charge back to contractors,
- Be applied to Milestones, whereas Resources may not,
- But it is difficult to get time phased Expense quantities out of P6.
This paper outlines:
- How to create Expenses and assign them to an activity, and
- The way P6 Expense calculate cash flows of unstarted, in progress and completed activities in all three scenarios of no actual expenditure, some expenditure are completed expenditure.
Should you wish to see more explanation like this then please consider purchasing this book by Paul Harris which is available in three formats, paperback, spiral and eBook.
The book is intended to be used:
- As a self-teach book and user guide, or
- A training manual for a three-day training course.
- PowerPoint slide shows are available for training companies to purchase and pdf versions are available to educational organisations.
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Paul E Harris
Director Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd